John Gotti Sr., who was convicted of being the boss of the Gambino crime family in 1992, died in prison in 2002 suffering from cancer, choking on his own blood, chained to a bed. Which he could have avoided had he provided information to the authorities… but he did not. He was an old school tough guy who lived and died by the code of silence.
However: The same cannot be said for his lying, ungrateful, and duplicitous, alleged stepdaughter Angel Gotti.
September 27, 2023: I emailed Angel Gotti, her brother John Gotti Jr., and messaged her lunatic friend Angela R.S., requesting, not for the first time, that Angel and Angela please Cease and Desist from lying about me. I also included evidence of a specific lie Angela told about me on Angel’s show and requested that they acknowledge and correct it.
In response: Not only did Angel and Angela deny the concrete evidence proving that she lied about me. Angel Gotti sent me an email accusing me of a crime and made an implied threat to leak information about it if I did not “Back off” of them. When all I was really doing was, respectfully, just asking that they please Cease and Desist from lying about me, to acknowledge that I was lied about, and to correct a lie that was told about me.

Regardless– I did not even commit the alleged crime Angel Gotti falsely accused me of.
Which has not stopped her from trying to scare me on numerous occasions since that she will get me indicted for it. On February 2, 2024, she even called me, by all indications recording me, as she tried to get me to admit to it over the phone.
Had Angel Gotti been born a man, she would have been an Imperfect Gangster.
And most likely: A lying confidential informant.
But don’t just take my word for it. On or about February 10, 2024, Angel Gotti posted: “My Father NEVER called me a rat….”

According to a December 15, 2004 story in the New York Daily News by Thomas Zambito, the previous day, during the racketeering trial in Brooklyn Federal Court of her uncle Peter Gotti, then the accused boss of the Gambino family, a wiretap of a 1996 or ’97 prison visit at USP Marion was played where her father John Gotti called her a rat to Peter Gotti and compared her to Sammy Gravano, the most notorious rat of all time, who testified in 1992 that he was the Gambino family underboss, and helped put dozens of men in prison. Gravano also murdered, or took part in the tragic murder of, an innocent 16-year-old teenager, Alan Kaiser.
From the story:
As for Gravano? “If I do see him, I’ll eat his f—ing liver for him,” John Gotti said.
At one point, Gotti appears disillusioned with his daughter Angel, and compares her to Gravano. “F—ing rats,” he says. “She’s another one. I got her [Angel] right up there with Sammy, that mother——.”
Read the full story, and about former Gambino family boss John Gotti calling his lying, alleged stepdaughter Angel a “rat,” at the link below:
Wow, that was well written!These people need to be exposed for the lying and backstabbing they’ve done to their once loyal friend . The hypocrisy these people portray is beyond comprehension! You can’t call people rats based on cosa nostra rules without calling John Gotti jr a rat for breaking cosa nostra rules.
Kasparosa is the Kryptonite for
Imperfect Gangsters
God Speed