April 24, 2024: I was contacted by a diabolical former mob associate, and admitted murderer, turned government witness. Years back, when I was investigating and writing stories exposing the truth about him, this lauded member of Team America, a brazen, braggadocious loudmouth who swore publicly that he was a changed man, told people privately that he wanted to dismember me. He conspired and attempted to frame me for crimes and have me assaulted. He harassed and threatened my family. His own relatives warned me that he was plotting on me.
He once said on a show: “If I haven’t changed, honestly, that kid Chris. His body parts would have been all over.”
But— that was in the past. Last month, he contacted me as a friend. Soft spoken. Concerned for my safety. He said he was trying to help me, warning me about the danger I was in. We got on the phone, where he asked if I had a different phone I could call him from. He was worried that mine was bugged.
Then: over a 13-minute conversation – mostly with him talking, and me listening – he told me that “a girl” called him from a blocked number the night before around 2 AM, and again that morning at 8 AM.
This informant told me that the duplicitous scions of a notorious mob family, one of whom I used to work with, and once thought was my good friend – who is also the accused former acting boss of a Mafia family – were looking to set me up and put a RICO case on me. That supposably, they had “crimes on” me. He even said that I was being accused of setting him, the informant up, when he got assaulted at a strip club in 2017.
He said that the woman on the phone wanted him to provide information about me to a private investigator working on their behalf.
However: he said he refused. That he doesn’t want to be involved in any drama, and he doesn’t have a problem with me. Whatever issues we had were in the past, and any issues he still has are with that family. He said: “I just wanted to make up with you because… I feel bad they’re doing to you what they did to everybody.”
He took the time to advise me about that family. While I have met some nice people in it, the facts are that a certain prominent member of it did me very dirty. Whatever the case, the informant said to “be careful,” and not to mess with them. That they would drag me down and never stop messing with me in return. That for them to contact him, they had to be desperate. He advised me to let things go, as they’d get other people to mess with me, follow me, get me to spend money on lawyers even if I was “110% innocent,” and make up lies about me. Which certain members of this family already have.
For instance: I mentioned how they had one of their lawyers, who previously gave me legal counsel, go on a podcast and lie about me.
I left out that another of their lawyers, who also gave me legal counsel, tried to deceive me after I stopped working with their patriarch in 2022, on his behalf. Essentially, to rob me.
Another lawyer acting on behalf of a female member of their family, who I once thought was my true friend, sent me a Cease and Desist Letter on March 1st. In which he demanded, amongst other things, that I apologize for defaming her, or else I would face immediate legal action. When the reality is that I did not go around lying about her. She repeatedly lied and continues to lie about me. She has threatened to badmouth members of my family, who she never met or spoke to. She threatened me personally. In September, she even falsely accused me of a crime, and implicitly threatened to leak information about it if I did not do what she wanted.
This informant said of her brother, their family’s patriarch, who I used to work with doing investigative journalism, and was a true, loyal friend to: “You know him. You know him because you stayed with him. Did he probably hire somebody? Probably… he’s got money to fucking break your balls. You know, and he’ll be a puppet master with his sister.”
That being said: I mentioned that the informant should meet with the private investigator, and I would show up as a surprise guest to question him. I suggested this take place at a certain business. Which lead to an awkward pause. Because this business was where the informant would meet with his close friend, a corrupt FBI Agent.
He didn’t take me up on that. He said he didn’t want to be involved. His life was different now. He didn’t want to be involved in any drama. He was just trying to give me advice.
But he did say that the brother and sister were “probably mad” that Joey Merlino, the accused former boss of the Philadelphia mob was calling the brother “a rat.”
His podcast discussing it was airing the following day. Towards the end of the conversation, he said: “Tomorrow you’ll get a good laugh of whatever Joey’s gonna do to ‘em, and that’s it.”
He advised me to move on with my life. Not to “feed into” these people who were lying about me, because they won’t stop. He said it wasn’t worth it. That they would go after me for years.
The informant told me to watch what I did on the phone and computer, and to be careful who I spoke to. He ended the conversation, saying: “Listen to what I’m telling ya, alright buddy?”
I thanked him for the advice. He said, “you’re welcome.”
Overall, I found what he had to say extraordinarily interesting. Not just because this pathological liar can be a charming conman. And not just because that family wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. But because: I don’t commit crimes and am not worried about a RICO case being put on me. Nor was he worried about my safety.
That informant is worried about a RICO case being put on him.
Evidenced by, but not limited to, the fact that he was not contacted the night before or that morning by some woman looking to do me harm. He was contacted by someone I first spoke to in 2018. An individual who contacted me to tell me stories about that informant, several other informants, and a corrupt FBI Agent. He even told me that one FBI informant robbed him, framed him for a crime, and got him indicted.
This person said that he was just an innocent, naive guy who got mixed up with the wrong people – former mobsters turned criminal government witnesses – and paid the price.
I took detailed notes. Interviewed him several times. He seemed like a nice fellow. But then, at a certain point, I discovered that he was not the innocent victim he claimed to be. He was a drug dealing federal informant himself. Mixed up in federal crimes with the FBI informant who called me, as a so-called friend.
He was also someone who was extorted by that informant, and under his control.
It had been some time since we last spoke. At this time, I cannot disclose the date. But it was after he contacted me. Under false, nefarious pretenses, trying to get highly sensitive information from me: the whereabouts of a protected government witness he knew I had spoken to.

He contacted me like he was concerned for that witness’ well-being. Talking to me like I was stupid. But I did not call him out on it. I played along, as it was not time to let him know that I had long been onto his game. And— how I was aware of certain Imperfect Gangsters plotting on that witness.
April 23, 2024: I messaged him, letting him know that I knew the truth about him.
He messaged me back on April 24th at 2:35 AM.
I then responded at 11:25 AM, requesting that he come clean and tell me the truth about certain things. Including: Why did he contact me trying to learn that witness’ whereabouts?
An hour later, at 12:24 PM, the informant who extorted him messaged me: “Call me it’s important”
I did not respond. He then called me at 1:43 PM and 1:51 PM, but I again did not answer.
At 1:52 PM he messaged me: “You need call me asap”
I called him at 2:01 PM. Surprised, as this brazen murderer had taken on a whole different tone than his usual, alpha male, braggadocious self. Telling me a story, giving me advice, in a calm, concerned voice, worried for my safety. Trying to look out for me like he was my friend.
I smelt fear. It was clear that this diabolical murderer was in a panic, projecting. Telling me to let certain things go, because he didn’t want to see me hurt.
The subtext: he was attempting to dissuade me from continuing the investigative work I was doing.
As I communicated with the extortion victim over the ensuing days, he also appeared shook. Wondering what information, I might publish about him in the new project I am working on.
If you were a career drug dealer, and a federal confidential informant, would you want your cohorts finding out about it in a true crime book, podcast, and docu-series, possibly with your mugshot, amongst the mugshots of other Imperfect Gangster informants, on the poster for it?
IMPERFECT GANGSTERS is a book, media, and docu-series project exposing a warped, modern-day version of My Blue Heaven. A loosely connected network of mobsters and assorted criminals turned government cooperators (and their enablers) engaged in organized criminal activity across multiple states. The informant who called me about a fictitious RICO case is a diabolical murderer at the center of it. He has gotten away with an array of serious crimes, in large part, thanks to his close relationship with a corrupt FBI Agent. Who protected him while he was on the job and continued to protect him after he retired.
This pathological lying informant is a subject I began investigating over nine years ago, in the aftermath of him threatening me after I questioned some of the lies he was telling in the media. While I have had to keep certain things silent, in part due to certain factors outside of my control, I am now almost ready to make certain things public. In collaboration with a major podcast.
But aside from exposing a network of corruption and criminality perpetuated by this informant and others, some of the stories I will be telling are also twisted yet hilarious accounts of what took place along the way. During my experiences investigating these people, and their shady yet bizarre world. Filled with bizarre characters.
One of whom was a black Italian. Another is a fake psychic who I believe thinks he’s a real psychic. At least two of the individuals I encountered, who both threatened to sue me, are neo-Nazi federal informants. Another is a neo-Nazi lawyer. Then there was the Buddhist neo-Nazi who ran a UFO conspiracy meetup group. To learn more about the others, I went undercover, telling this middle-aged Hitler fanatic that I was a young white nationalist at Boston University, seeking to interview him for a class project.
Another character who popped up in this strange saga is a self-admitted lying conman who allegedly stalked and held a small-town Colorado woman against her will in 2012. When he was arrested that day for “Defrauding An Innkeeper” (skipping out on his hotel bill), he had six warrants, in five states: New Mexico, Colorado, Wisconsin, Florida, and two in California.
He also, allegedly, made this poor woman believe he was a high-ranking mobster in Florida.
In 2021-22, this lying conman described the female mob scion mentioned in this article as a lying, spoiled mob brat. He also trashed her entire family on YouTube. Including her mother, father, sister, son, nephews, and brothers.
Likewise: the spoiled mob brat trashed him as a garbage pail and “a lying rat.”
Then: she found him useful. They became close friends. Even business partners. She weaponized and elevated this individual, presenting him as a beacon of credibility on YouTube. Together, they recorded podcasts where they claimed to despise rats and liars. At the same time, they slandered numerous people with outright lies.
A situation that reminds me of what occurred in 2016. That January, a podcaster popped up on Facebook and YouTube claiming to be the grandson of a member of the Patriarca crime family in Rhode Island. He had tattoos on his arm reading “La Cosa Nostra” and “Omerta.” Even though he’s really from Virginia Beach.
Which did not stop him from scheming, working, doing podcasts, and for around a month, living with a notorious government informant in New Jersey between January-July 2016. The same one who warned me about the fictitious RICO case.
During that period this podcaster acted very brazen as he told lie after lie on YouTube, and Facebook, about myself, the female mob scion, and her brother, the accused former mob boss I was working with at the time. He trashed their entire family. He called the brother a rat. He falsely accused him and I of crimes.
In June 2016: this podcaster was made aware that he was going to be sued for defamation.
Not long after, he ceased acting so brazen. Then: he contacted me in July 2016, telling me he was scared for his life. He had a nasty falling out with the informant. He was homeless, and wanted to speak to an FBI Agent, worried that the informant was going to kill him.
Bizarre as it may sound, I interviewed this podcaster over the phone that night, and on video in 2017. After he signed an Affidavit, swearing that he was telling me the truth, under penalty of perjury. He told me stories of what it was like living with that informant, including about how the informant sexually harassed him. He even said that one night, in the dark, the informant walked into his room, buck naked, sat on his bed, and started telling him about his problems.
After details of that story were published in 2018, he had his attorney, a lying Q-Anon crackpot who I somehow became friends with in all of this, call me at about 10 PM to say that I misquoted him. The podcaster said he never told me that the informant sat on his bed naked.
Somewhat nervous, I went and looked through the video interview, to find what he said, wondering if I somehow misquoted him. Because if I had that would have been a huge, permanent stain on my credibility.
Then I found the part of the interview, where he not only told me the informant sat on his bed naked. He laughed on camera as he told me this story.
Two sick individuals, cut from the same cloth. But, as with the lying conman hotel thief— the spoiled mob daughter found him useful, embraced him, lied to people to protect him, and in time, promoted him as a beacon of credibility. They became close friends and did podcasts together trashing “lying rats.” Where she looked past the paperwork I uncovered in 2018 of this podcaster providing information against his co-defendants to the Virginia Beach Police in a 2002 burglary case.
Regardless: to do investigative journalism is to find the truth. Which is labor intensive. It takes time, effort, and money. It can also be dangerous. But when seeking to uncover the truth about a cesspool of murderous government witnesses and their enablers, including lying journalists, attorneys who should be disbarred, and rogue law enforcement officials, it takes getting individuals from this cesspool to speak with you, trust you, and to hopefully, get them to tell you the truth.
There is nothing honorable in publishing lies. Especially not when those lies defame others, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. One of the reasons why I recently asked that diabolical, murderous informant, who is bi-sexual, and once stated that he would perform oral sex on a horse if it accomplished a certain objective of his, if it was true that he sat on the podcaster’s bed naked.
Long story short: he denied ever sitting on his bed naked. He said he would rather “fuck a pig.” He did, however, tell me that one time, while he was having sex with a woman in a hotel, one of his former friends, then a mobster, jumped in, and grabbed his penis.
That alleged penis-grabber went on to become the accused acting boss of a Mafia family.
There are many bizarre stories I have come across over the last nine plus years. But some of the stories I was told by victims of certain government witnesses, regarding crimes committed against them after they cooperated with the government and were given second chances in life, were tragic. Heartbreaking. Wrong in every way imaginable.
Some of these crimes were committed against innocent women and children.
Back to the informant who called me saying that certain duplicitous mob scions were looking to put a RICO case on me— Should one get put on him, the following are some of the criminal acts that may be included in it:
–He has been involved in drug dealing in numerous states, including marijuana, steroids, opiates, and cocaine.
–Money laundering, tax evasion, robberies, arson, perjury, kidnapping, and various frauds. Including real estate, construction, bank, and welfare fraud.
–Blackmail and extortion. This informant has not just threatened people that if they did not pay him money from their illegal activities, he would use his law enforcement contacts to put criminal cases on them. He has put people in compromising situations, including sexually, where they would be videotaped, so the footage could be used against them later.
–Two of the criminal operations he has been involved with are a bookmaking operation and a crew of large-scale marijuana dealers in New Jersey. Two of the individuals in that crew had major criminal cases disappear due to the informant’s relationship with a corrupt FBI Agent… and, because they agreed to cut the informant a piece of the pie.
This informant has been involved in numerous assaults and attempted assaults, including by attempting to get others to assault people on his behalf. Recently, I contacted one of his alleged assault victims, another Imperfect Gangster. A credible source told me that the informant told him he had several individuals beat this person up.
The alleged victim answered my call. He was polite. He answered my questions. But he also lied, saying that he had not seen the informant in over 30 years. When the truth is that I have evidence of him being involved in criminal activity with the informant not that long ago.
Also not that long ago: according to court documents, one of the informant’s partners, a bottom of the barrel degenerate, walked into a marijuana shop, and pistol-whipped the owner.

In 2016, an attorney wrote a letter to the Federal Judge, and the Federal Probation Officer that were supposed to be supervising the informant at the center of this web of vice and corruption. This letter was reviewed by the FBI, and the corrupt FBI Agent who was protecting the informant. It was sent on behalf of his client, who alleged that, amongst other things, this murderer informant “sought to enlist” him as “a member” of his “crew.” He also alleged that according to his client, the informant “offered my client money and kept badgering my client to arrange the assault with baseball bats, of Chris Kasparoza.”
However: the FBI never alerted me to this, even though they had a legal obligation to.
Below: Redacted portions of the letter.


Numerous sources told me stories of this informant discussing his desire to have me baseball batted and hospitalized. One let me listen in secretly on a phone call as the informant discussed baseball batting me. Another told me that he offered him money to arrange my assault and hospitalization by several individuals with baseball bats, specifying that he wanted me paralyzed. He said that the informant told him: “Just don’t kill him.”
A different individual I interviewed stated, after signing an Affidavit that he was telling me the truth, under penalty of perjury: “You were prime target number one… the mitigating factor in that was that you were making him look completely full of shit. And he doesn’t like that, because he has to keep his character in a certain form and fashion… and repeatedly I was asked if I would pipe you, baseball bat you.”
A separate individual I interviewed, who also signed an Affidavit swearing that he was telling me the truth, confirmed that this informant was plotting to have me hospitalized. He said: “You were on his list. Probably at the top of it. He kept saying that after he got off parole, he was gonna get you.”
Numerous people I interviewed told me stories of this informant plotting to frame me for crimes to discredit me. This informant, attempting to stop me from exposing the truth about him, threatened my family. He has also threatened other families. Including by banging on women’s windows and doors late at night to scare them and their children.
This informant, who operates like he’s the boss of a crew, controls numerous Imperfect Gangster informants who he has used to intimidate and commit crimes against people in multiple states. This Imperfect Gangster informant may also be responsible for an unsolved murder that is being investigated by law enforcement. But that story, and others far more egregious than those described in this post, are being saved for a larger platform. Such as the book and docu-series I am working on.
Perhaps it will trigger federal law enforcement to hold this informant, and some of the informants he is in business with, accountable for the crimes they have committed against innocent people. While they were protected by the United States Government.
Either way— a former mob associate turned government witness who had direct experiences with the informant at the center of this web of vice and corruption, and the corrupt FBI Agent who protected him, was read this story, to get his thoughts on it before publication. After which, he said:
“The sad part of this article is that everything in it is true. It really happened, and it’s still happening. People can say what they want about the mob. But the mob guys I dealt with in my time had far better values and ways of doing things than the cesspool of cooperators and the corrupt FBI Agent in this story. They’re the worst people I ever met in life.”